West One UK Ltd Sub Contractor Vetting Consent Form

Please read the following statement and Privacy Policy.

Confidentiality Undertaking

In consideration of West One allowing me access to Client Facilities and therefore potentially to West One & Client data, I hereby agree with and declare to West One UK Ltd as follows:


I understand the importance attached by West One UK Ltd to confidentiality and secrecy and to the protection of its proprietary information and information relating to its clients and counter-parties. I agree and undertake not in any circumstance to use or disclose to any third party any information which relates to West One UK Ltd or its business, its clients and counter-parties, its employees, its associates, its plans, its circumstances or its intentions.
I accept that I shall continue to be bound by this declaration not withstanding the termination of my access to West One UK Ltd & Client Facilities.
I also undertake to either return to West One UK Ltd or expunge all such information which I may have in my possession upon termination of my access to West One UK Ltd & Client Facilities.

I am aware that electronic information is crucial to West One UK Ltd. I should only attempt to access the information and services I need in order to carry out my duties and for which I am authorized. West One UK Ltd will hold me accountable for actions carried out on computer systems using my User Identification. I should, therefore, keep the associated password confidential and change it regularly to prevent it from becoming known to others. I undertake never to use someone else’s User Identification and password or allow anyone to use mine.

In addition, I am aware that if I have information gained deliberately or by accident from my work for West One UK Ltd which could be described as “inside information” with respect to a particular company and thereafter deal in the securities of that company or advise another person to deal in those securities I may be considered as having undertaken insider dealing, as defined by the relevant insider dealing prevention legislation.

I understand that if I have any questions regarding the application of the Declaration, I should raise them with the relevant West One UK Ltd Compliance Officer.

Click below to read our Privacy Policy
